Complementary Feed


Complementary feed for animals were firstly defined within the directive 79/373/CEE, later abrogate and substituted by EU Reg. 767/2009 and following updates.
The use of complementary feed allows to optimize daily ration intake satisfying specific needs in livestock as well as in pets. Complementary feeds may include vitamins, minerals, microelements, botanical extracts, antioxidants, immune stimulators, prebiotics and probiotics specific for different animal’s life stage.
The branch of complementary feed intended for pets and athlete animals, mainly dogs, cats and horses, is strongly expanding with a wide variety of innovative products on the European market.
SAPORITI CONSULTING supports companies launching new complementary feed and reviewing already existing products, through the following offer:
  • formulation development of complementary feed in liquid form (emulsion, suspensions, syrups)
  • formulation development of complementary feed in solid form (tabs, powders)
  • formulation development of complementary feed in semisolid form (pastes, hydrogel, lipogel)
  • formulation development of complementary feed in patented jelly form (Jelly – Gummy)
  • formulation development of complementary feed useful to facilitate oral administration of drugs in pets
  • modify pre-existing formulations in order to claim specific activities
  • formulation variation in order to comply with regulation in force
  • preliminary palatabilty test of new formulations
  • evaluations and choice of active ingredients and excipients
  • market research aimed to find innovative ingredients and packaging
  • shelf-life evaluation and definition
  • drafting and review of labelling and package leaflet complying with European regulation
  • new product classification and re-classification of existing products
  • ingredient composition and analytical constituents evaluation
  • authorized feed additives and feed materials evaluation
  • conformity assessment of ingredients for human use in products for animal feed use
  • additives maximum levels evaluation in complete feed and complementary feed
  • botanical derived ingredients evaluation of conformity
  • nutritional and health claim attribution
  • readability criteria evaluation and definition
  • new ingredients and feed material notification (art. 24 Reg. (UE) 767/2009)
  • product technical dossier
  • clinical trials end-point definition in partnership with veterinary research institutes